Payment Center

CALL NOW: 513-528-0814

We now accept online payments through pay-pal.

Make an online payment right here, right now. It’s easy, convenient, secure and only takes a couple of minutes to complete.

  • * Convenient, safe and secure
  • * No enrollment necessary
  • * Enter your banking information each time you make a payment
  • * Receive a confirmation number for each payment

Convenient, safe and secure No enrollment necessary Enter your banking information each time you make a payment Receive a confirmation number for each payment. A fee may be charged for this transaction. Payments made after 1 p.m. Central Time may not be processed until the following business day.

How do I pay with a credit card using the PayPal website?

The payment button will send you to PayPal. At the lower left of the PayPal screen you will see an image similar to the one below that reads “Don’t have a PayPal account? Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue’ Just click the ‘Continue’ link.

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